Inspired by Reddit – The Guide to DIY Hair Growth Oils

If you’re looking for hair growth information, it may be overwhelming to find valuable advice. For this reason, Hollywood Beauty has done the research for readers and found the best DIY hair growth oil mixture, inspired by a Reddit member’s quest to find the perfect DIY hair oil for hair growth.

Why Go DIY for Hair Growth Oils?

When you purchase products at the store, it is often difficult to pronounce many of the ingredients they include. Making DIY products, especially when making them to put on or in your body, ensures you are only using the ingredients you need and no toxic fillers. Furthermore, when you select the ingredients yourself for a DIY health or beauty recipe, you can select natural products from sources that are as refined as you want them to be.

When you purchase retail products, the best ones are oftentimes the priciest because of the expense of ingredients and the process of making the product, as well as paying for the packaging, marketing, shipping, and other hidden costs that companies must recover via product sales. Making products like homemade hair growth oil can potentially save money because you buy the ingredients yourself and buy in bulk. Another perk of DIY hair products is that recipes can be modified to suit personal hair needs and preferences.

Before we get to the DIY hair growth oil recipe guide, if you aren’t the DIY type or you would like to supplement your homemade oil, check out these other Hollywood Beauty recommended hair growth and hair retention products.

The Superstar Oils: Their Benefits & Role in Hair Growth

We have done the research and found the oils that are most beneficial in hair growth and hair retention so that you don’t have to go through the trial and error of finding which oil products actually work. Below is a rundown of the top five hair growth superstar oils.

Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is great in shampoo for relieving the discomfort of scalp problems. DIY hair products procured for irritated scalps and the treatment of dandruff often include peppermint for its cooling and soothing effects. However, one study aimed at promoting hair growth without toxins shows that peppermint oil is effective in significant reversal of hair loss and in stimulating hair growth. This is due to its natural ability to stimulate the scalp and increase its blood circulation.

Argan Oil

As a great source of vitamin E and fatty acids, argan oil acts as an antioxidant, minimizes stress on hair follicles, and diminishes the harmful effects of oxidation on the scalp. Additionally, Argan oil provides extreme moisturization for brittle hair, preventing breakage, which deters hair growth. Argan oil nourishes the scalp while promoting hair elasticity and longevity, both key factors in healthy and ample hair growth.

Jojoba Oil

Jojoba is one oil that mimics the natural oils produced by the scalp, making it a natural moisturizer that prevents dryness but, at the same time, doesn’t result in too much oiliness. It helps prevent breakage and aids in the regulation and balance of sebum promotion, which is a hormone produced by the body.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is an age-old treatment for hair loss and repair. It strengthens hair because it is rich in fatty acids and vitamins. It provides deep penetrating hydration and improves blood circulation when massaged into the scalp. This stimulates hair follicles and encourages the growth of new strands, as well as reduces hair loss.

Castor Oil

This oil is rich in ricinoleic acid, increases the dilation of blood vessels, and improves the flow of nutrient- and oxygen-rich blood to the core of the hair follicle, the dermal papilla, or the “root” of the hair. Thus, it strengthens the roots and facilitates growth. Castor oil also has anti-fungal and antibacterial properties that can help eliminate dandruff, as well as promote hair growth. Castor oil shouldn’t be used alone, and too much can build up and make hair look overly greasy.

Answering the Reddit Question: Crafting the Ideal Hair Growth Oil Mixture

In response to one Reddit user’s post that posed the question, “I need help making a hair growth oil mixture. I have: Peppermint, Argon, Jojoba, Coconut, Castor Oils. What ratios??,” Hollywood Beauty Products offers the perfect recipe for oil ratios below, but first, there are a few considerations that can impact your DIY experience.

Initial Considerations When Creating DIY Oil Mixtures

It is important to understand that everyone’s hair is different and has unique traits and needs, so what may work on one person’s hair may need to be adjusted for another person’s hair. There is no one recipe that magically makes hair grow, but understanding the generally recommended ratios can help you find the right mixture for your hair type. Explore Hollywood Beauty’s wide selection of premium oil blends to choose which oils will work for you.

Understanding How the Recipe Works and Measuring Ratios:

There are two types of oils you will put in your hair growth oil mixture: base oils and active oils.

Base oil, or carrier oils, constitute the bulk of a hair oil mixture. They dilute the stronger and more potent active oils. We recommend combining three parts coconut oil for its deep hydration and protein replenishing benefits and two parts argan oil for its high Vitamin E content and essential fatty acids that nourish hair and scalp.

Active oils provide growth effects and are only required in minimal amounts because they are very potent in concentrate form. Depending on your hair’s needs, you can incorporate different active oils and add or reduce the amount of drops as needed. For example, rosemary oil can improve hair growth and hair thickness. We recommend 10 drops of rosemary oil to 5ml of base oil mixture. Ensure you are using high-quality ingredients to get the best benefits out of your DIY hair growth oil.

5 Steps to Creating Your DIY Hair Growth Mixture

The following steps are meant to serve as a general starting point and guide for homemade hair growth oil. You may want to customize your hair growth mixture to best meet your needs by adding, changing, or omitting steps as needed. You may also find it necessary to adjust ratios and amounts of essential oils to tailor your oil mixture to your unique hair type. We’ve simplified the process of making and applying hair growth oil to make it as easy as possible to do at home. Below are the five steps of our DIY hair growth oil recipe.

Step 1: Gather Materials

Ensure you have all the oils you’ll need, a measuring device that measures in mL, a mixing bowl, something to stir with, a glass container or bottle for storage, and a funnel. The funnel is optional, but it makes it a lot easier to transfer the mixture into storage containers and lowers the chance of costly and messy spills.

Step 2: Mixing the Base

In your mixing bowl, blend together the coconut and argan oils based on the suggested ratio noted above.

Step 3: Introducing Active Oils

Slowly add in the rosemary, lavender, and castor oils, stirring gently for an even blend.

Step 4: Storing Your Mixture

Using a funnel, transfer your oil blend into a glass container or bottle. Ensure it’s tightly sealed.

Step 5: Application

Take a few drops (5-10 based on hair length) and massage gently onto the scalp, ensuring it reaches hair roots. For added benefit, run the oil through the length of your hair, especially if you have dry ends. For best results, leave the oil on for at least 2 hours or overnight if possible.

Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to wash off the oil. A light conditioner can be used if required. Apply 2-3 times a week or before every shower. When using daily, use less oil mixture.

Tips for Mixing & Applying the DIY Hair Growth Oil

Hollywood Beauty has all the ingredients you need to make your own DIY hair growth oil mixture. Check out our premium products available today.


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